Standing Up For The Rights Of Federal Employees
At Bennett Legal Services, we handle civil rights violations and employment law matters, including those related to discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, unemployment benefits and unpaid wages for individuals employed by the federal government. From our location in Annapolis, Maryland, we routinely represent federal employees including administrative agency employees, Department of Defense (DOD), military personnel and postal workers in employment law claims.
Federal Employee Claims — EEO, MSPB And DOHA
We represent federal employees in claims filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) office, Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) or Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) claims and appeals to federal courts. It is critical that you engage a lawyer experienced in the process for federal employees immediately if you feel you have been the victim of discrimination or other adverse job action, including wrongful termination. There are strict deadlines for when you have to file your claims, and an experienced federal employment lawyer can ensure that your rights are protected.
The EEO hearing process obligates the victim to initiate the process through the local EEO office to notify them of the discrimination or other improper actions. There is a very short time frame within which you have to initiate the claim. The MSPB applies to certain federal employees who desire to appeal the termination of their job. We also represent the state or private employees in EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) claims, private lawsuits and appeals.
Contact An Experienced Attorney To Discuss Your Situation
If you are concerned that your job is being affected or has been terminated on the basis of discrimination, or if you have other employment law concerns, contact us online as soon as possible or call 888-288-9787 to arrange your free initial consultation.